




我们在维护中国科学院上海药物研究所的pqct动物骨密度仪器已经8年了。至今测试了7000多个样品。这个仪器专门测试大鼠和小鼠。可以测试活体老鼠(测试活体老鼠比测试离体骨有优势),当然,离体的老鼠骨更容易测试了。仪器的X发射源与检测器的距离只有大概9厘米,老鼠放在中间。测试的时候,发射源与检测器绕着老鼠转动1圈,,完成1次切片薄层扫描;然后沿着老鼠的纵向移动一点,发射源与检测器转动1圈,完成第2次切片薄层扫描。再移动一点…..,数据由计算机软件处理,得到精密度很高的骨密度数据。切片薄层的厚度可以选择。这个就是pqct骨密度测试仪。pQCT比DXA先进。 发射源与检测器的距离越近,精密度越高。物理学告诉我们,光的强度与它的距离的平方成反比。2个仪器,发射源与检测器的距离相差1倍,它的强度就是4倍差,如果距离是10倍,强度差就是100倍。再加上光线散射,距离越大,散射越大,检测器得到的结果相差非常大。测试人体的仪器比pqct差远了。

XCT 2000
XCT 2000

Peripheral quantitative computed tomograph for the measurement at radius or tibia.

Product details: Categorisation: Human; Dimensions (l/w/h): 1280 x 550 x 620 mm; Weight: 45 kg; Numbers of detectors: 12; CT Collimator: 0.4x4; Angle between detectors: 1°; Num more…

XCT 2000YJ

Peripheral quantitative computed tomograph for the measurement at radius or tibia with variable collimation.

Product details: Categorisation: Human/Animal; Dimensions (l/w/h): 1280 x 550 x 620 mm; Weight: 45 kg; Numbers of detectors: 12; CT Collimator: 0.4x4–0.4x1; Angle between dete more…

XCT 3000 YJ

Peripheral quantitative computed tomograph for the measurement of larger laboratory animals like dogs, sheeps or primates.

Product details: Categorisation: Animal; Dimensions (l/w/h): 1280 x 740 x 910 mm; Weight: 90 kg; Numbers of detectors: 12; CT Collimator: 0.7x4; Angle between detectors: 1°; Nu more…

XCT Research SA+

Peripheral quantitative computed tomograph for the measurement of small laboratory animals like mice or rats.

Product details: Categorisation: Animal; Dimensions (l/w/h): 930 x 550 x 620 mm; Weight: 45 kg; Numbers of detectors: 12; CT Collimator: 0.3x1.5–0.2x0.2; Angle between detecto more…